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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 25
- educación 20
- education 18
- Colombia 15
- Educación 13
- Ciencias Sociales 12
- Education 11
- educação 11
- éducation 9
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 8
- learning 8
- Fruits 7
- aprendizaje 7
- conocimiento 7
- experience 7
- experiencia 7
- Productividad 6
- aprendizagem 6
- investigación 6
- knowledge 6
- Agricultura 5
- Agriculture 5
- Colômbia 5
- Filosofía 5
- Frutas 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- SB320-353.5 5
- experiência 5
- expérience 5
- formación 5
Prevalencia de Toxocara canis y otros parásitos gastrointestinales en caninos ambulantes de Sogamoso
Published 2011“…En cuanto la edad, en caninos de menos de uno año fue de 56,9 % y en adultos jóvenes fue del 37,9%, respecto del sexo, las hembras obtuvieron el 25,3%, mientras los machos el 74,7%. …”
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The dynamics of the construction sector in Colombia, a review from its indicators
Published 2021“…Consequently, the evaluation of these complex correlations allowed to constitute orientations in the identification of variables towards the possible adoption of practices and processes, by means of statistical tools for multivariate data management. …”
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The ancient roads of the Cundiboyacense highlands
Published 2021“…The text is divided into two parts: the first is composed of four chapters that make up the analysis andchanges of the ancient road between Tunja and Santafé, in the colonial period, XIX and XX centuries when the road became the central road of the north, ending this section with a study of the physical-spatial notions and the territorial meaning from the memories and stories of the communities. …”
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Traditional gastronomy as a tourist attraction in the city of Puebla, Mexico
Published 2020“…The results indicate that the quality and promotion variables have a high correlation while the infrastructure and meaning variables have a moderate correlation, being the attention and entertainment variable the only one presenting a low correlation. …”
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From the house to the plaza? Agency and politicization in the trajectories of Adelina Dematti and Aída Bogo before joining the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo
Published 2021“…A qualitative approach was adopted to enquire intothe meanings that both women built around the events they went through, based on carrying out and analyzing interviews. …”
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Theater for Expression
Published 2020“…We utilized an action research study mainly because the objective was to improve educational practices by means of creating strategies that could improve discourse and teaching. …”
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Parameters of service quality and its relationship with customer satisfaction in four-star accommodations in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico
Published 2021“…Statistical cross-tabulation analysis was used to treat the data provided by the applied instrument and by means of Pearson's chi-square and the value of p = (0.05), it was possible to identify those 12 elements were considered to assess the satisfaction of the hotel guests, the results show that ten of them present a greater positive relationship on the variable to be explained called satisfaction, offering a quality of service as a result. …”
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The Paraguayan war and the construction of the image of a war volunteer: The case of Jovita Alves Feitosa (1865-1867)
Published 2022“…This was with the intention of recruiting more men into the armed forces of the Brazilian Empire in the war against the Republic of Paraguay. By means of the documental analysis of a biographical text written in her honor in the newspapers of the time, and with the aid of a bibliography, it is sought to understand how she joined the army, what the activities of the newspapers of the time were, and how her trip to the Court of Rio de Janeirotranspired. …”
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Planning of strategies to improve the learning of multiplication and division
Published 2010“…For it, educational ones were polled seven of the area of mathematics and 190 students of the degree sixth, soon the collected information was analyzed and a pedagogical proposal based on the planning, design and application of educative factories was constructed, by means of the resolution of problems, using the method of the four passages of Polya, which was applied to 48 students, being that the academic yield of them in the first period, improved respect to the previous years substantially, also the work of education to the educational ones was facilitated. …”
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Environmental sustainability and waste management in cocoa production systems in the southwest of Boyacá-Colombia
Published 2021“…Regarding the management of agricultural residues, it is evidenced that there is no knowledge or application of Good Agricultural Practices, this means that phytosanitary products and fertilizers are applied without technical supervision, the management criterion being the experience of the producer.…”
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Trajectories of rural teachers, from their narratives
Published 2022“…The results allow recognizing the teachers' trajectories from three main axes: 1) experience, life and cultural environments of new school teachers; 2) the meanings and knowledge of teachers in the rural context from academic and administrative components; 3) the desires, dilemmas and expectations of rural teachers. …”
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Journalism, politics and falsehood in the news during the 1930 electoral campaign in Colombia
Published 2022“…This campaign was special in many aspects: 1) one month before the election, the participation of a new candidate was confirmed; 2) the desperation and the failed attempts to unite the two factions existing within the conservative party; 3) the candidates’ visits to the main cities; 4) the use of new means of transport, public squares full of people and the press publishing pieces about the campaign at telegraph speed. …”
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Interpretability in the Field of Plant Disease Detection: A Review
Published 2021“…In this systematic literature review, an analysis of the most relevant articles is presented, in which image processing techniques and machine learning were used to detect diseases by means of images of the leaves of different crops. …”
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Representaciones semióticas en números racionales
Published 2022“…The results show that the register of semiotic representation most handled by the students corresponds to the graphic scheme where the representation in the form of a cake predominates from the part-whole meaning, an interpretation that generated obstacles and artificiality in the conceptualization, in addition to establishing treatments in the arithmetic register and conversions between the registers of common language, the arithmetic and the graphic.…”
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El modelo de crecimiento hacia adentro: una interpretación del caso colombiano
Published 2003“…La investigación demuestra que la industrialización por sustitución de importaciones protegió a la economía colombiana de las oscilaciones de la economía mundial y atenuó los choques externos, de tal forma que los procesos de acumulación de capital fueron menos fluctuantes y de esta manera, se alcanzó un desarrollo industrial con una alta participación del capital extranjero .…”
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Evaluation : objective process that has influenced the subjectivity.
Published 2022“…For some it represents note, for others capacity, for others power and surely in a journey through the experience and the roles or various places that it occupies, a new conception or a new nuance regarding it will be given, which has as others a close relationship when it comes to putting on the scene the school process, the teaching process, and takes on some unique connotations when this process is installed in the formal education of the Basic, central axis of this writing, which does not intend but to retake it from reflective way, in order to try a new look at what it can mean. So, to achieve the exposed reflection, initially it could be located in a time and a space, which begins to be noticed without a doubt, as old as being itself in a social recognition of relationships, since each group of people from what is rescues in different narratives, realizes that the human being tried to measure and compare.…”
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Gamification to Engage Young Learners in the English Class
Published 2022“…The development of listening and speaking skills was evidenced when recognizing, pronouncing and associating meanings in English and Spanish. The children expressed their knowledge, worked as a team with their peers, and there was commitment from the students…”
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Community management of rural aqueducts in the comunera province : an approach to its study from the perspective of legal pluralism
Published 2022“…The methodological approach is qualitative, with a phenomenological-hermeneutical focusing, as it seeks to approach the lived experience of the communities around the object of study, clarifying the meaning frameworks on the law produced in that social space. …”
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Participation in Physical Activity and Sport of the LGBT Community
Published 2023“…From this review the perspectives and meanings of people regarding the theme or central axis of this article, can vary according to various factors such as: Age, profession, context, sex, and sports level, among others. …”
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Asexual propagation in female plants of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.)
Published 2023“…Both peat and hydroponics are effective means for cutting. Applying a growth regulator and keeping the whole leaves tips favor the formation and quality of the roots.…”