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- Social Sciences 25
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- educação 11
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- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 8
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- Filosofía 5
- Frutas 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- SB320-353.5 5
- experiência 5
- expérience 5
- formación 5
The «historical experience» of students and oral history in teaching.: L’ «expérience historique» des élèves et l’histoire orale dans l’enseignement
Published 2019“…In teaching and learning processes, historical experience allows the student to validate the historical protagonism of any subject, to interpret and evaluate information, define historical meaning autonomously and propose changes for the future. …”
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Environmental impact study on the special reserve area municipalities of Puerto Boyacá, Puerto Nary y Puerto Triunfo
Published 2017“…The characteriization of the material and the deposit (geologic and mining reserves) was carried out, later it took place a series of investigations, which resulted in the enviromental impact study, the mining project's delimitation area of influence was carried out, the communities were identified, some socialization meetings were held with the traditional miners, it was carried out as well held with the traditional miners, it was carried out as well a description, the characterization and analysis of the biotic, abiotic and socio-economic means affected by this project, also there were identified the impacts caused by the interaction between the mining work and the environment, by showing which are preventable, which can be corrected, mitigated or offset by the desing of the environmental management and contingency appropriate plans, inorder to obtain the enviromental license to allow the free development of the drag material extraction on the Special Reserve Area (ARE). …”
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Capacity of apatite formation of thin films of hydroxyapatite modified by laser ablation
Published 2019“…Finally, patterning was performed by means of an Nd: YAG laser, with working energy of 1.3 mJ. …”
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Using the conceptual map as a teaching strategy to improve reading comprehension
Published 2019“…This article aims to describe the educational context of reading comprehension of students in 3rd and 4th grade of the educational institution “Sergio Camargo” (Miraflores, Colombia). t is intended to demonstrate the effect between the use of conceptual maps and the improvement in the reading comprehension by means of the qualitative methodology, with a critical social approach and a design based on the research-action, it can be found that the first pedagogical character that stimulates students to emulate ideas and forms of reading comprehension, is the teacher, giving examples and organizing the exercises, in such a way that if this principal agent does not find adequate strategies to improve the process of reading comprehension and he does it in a monotonous way, implicitly makes reading and reading comprehension a duty and an obligation for children. …”
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Production and quality of banana ‘BRS Conquista’ bagged with different colored polypropylene bags
Published 2019“…The assessments consisted of bunch mass; rachis mass; fruit total mass; mean cluster mass; number of fruits per bunch and per cluster; and fruit length and diameter; along with fruits physicochemical traits, such as soluble solids, titratable acidity, pulp/peel ratio and maturation index. …”
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Vico and Becket: The Poetics of Work in Progress
Published 2019“…Against classical poetics such as those of Aristotle and of XVII French Classicism, Giambattista Vico propos es a return to the origins of the human to explore the nature of poetry understood as poeisis, as creation. Poet means creator. The first inhabitants of the earth after the universal flood were giants called i bestioni by Vico, ferocious wild beings and wandering vagabonds that tried to account for their world with the great poverty of their language. …”
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Effect of Defatted Coconut Flour on Rabbit Growth
Published 2019“…The final live weight of the animals during the fattening cycle was between 2060 and 2242 g/animal, in all cases above 2000 g which is the one established for the slaughter of the animals, the mean weight gain oscillated between 25.4 and 28.4. …”
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Diseño de un modelo de gestión de la calidad de la leche en la comarca Lagunera
Published 2021“…La infraestructura disponible se caracteriza por contar con modernas salas de ordeña y equipo tecnificado para el posterior enfriamiento de la leche; en este tipo de infraestructura la mano de obra utilizada es mínima, adquiriendo el producto un alto valor agregado por el nivel de calidad que se obtiene en estos procesos. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Female education in Nicaraguan society: a nuisance for the Liberal Revolution (1893-1909)
Published 2023“…The model of women's education was meant to be functional for the family and that of men was for society and decision-making in politics, economy, and family. …”
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Rural school and territory: a geography for peace
Published 2020“…The issues of time and space have been key in the understanding of human life and have a long tradition in the development of human thought; therefore, they have a special role and significance in the development of human culture; this also means that issues related to the spatio-temporal orderings of the various societies become an important part of school work and its educational processes, being Social Sciences the disciplines in charge of these issues. …”
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Determination of salt dynamics in leached water from cultivated onions (Allium cepa) under two irrigation systems in the Samacá-Boyacá Valley
Published 2022“…Therefore, the water had a high probability of salinization, not suitable for irrigation, meaning that management plans must be carried out to prevent soil and water degradation. …”
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The right to the truth in the genocide of the Patriotic Union
Published 2021“…Once the general concept has been approached, the normative application that the Colombian State gave to the type of genocide will be analyzed, given the newest addition of the type for political reasons, which changes the original meaning, since it is understood within an unusual, atypical and strange context for the international community and allows in-depth investigation of the component (of all transitional justice) of truth within the recognition of justice, since this is vital to provide reparation and guarantee justice, not only to the victims, but also to the entire Colombian and international society as an element of integrity between the judicial apparatus, the victims, the national government and society, and for this reason forging a wide degree of general judicial security within the Colombian State.…”
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Genetic contributions to productivity and nutritional aspects in cassava crops
Published 2022“…The starch content was tested with a comparison of means and MGIDI index. Cultivar FEPAGRO - RS 13 Vassourinha had the highest content and, according to the index, was the ideal cultivar based on multi-characteristics. …”
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Published 2011“…The magazine Nadaísmo 70 was the means of expression of a literary and political movement of vanguard that left a lasting track in the Colombian intellectual culture. …”
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Variability, correlation, and path analysis in erect and prostrate cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.)
Published 2023“…In addition, the unfolding of genotypic correlations by means of path analysis indicated that grain thickness is an important and easy to measure characteristic to increase yield.…”
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Escuelas de Campo en papa y su aporte en la construcción de procesos organizativos en dos municipios colombianos
Published 2016“…Sin embargo, los hallazgos indican que los procesos organizacionales son menos relevantes que los técnicos. Adicionalmente, es importante que los productores siempre tengan acceso a las metodologías descritas en las ECA, con el fin de usar estas herramientas exitosamente. …”
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El Ordenamiento Territorial como política de Estado
Published 2016“…Una política de Estado se construye a partir de consensos o, por lo menos, definiendo compromisos que deben plasmarse en acuerdos formales para llegar a un gran acuerdo, perdurable en el tiempo, es preciso poner por delante el interés común de la sociedad y los principios y fines del Ordenamiento Territorial. …”
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Dielectric strength test to protection elements for live lines works
Published 2017“…This paper presents the design and assembly of a system of tests of sustained voltage to elements and equipment used in live line maneuvers through tests on gloves and dielectric rods, as these are the first points of contact to ensure safe operations. It means an advance for the creation of a laboratory certified in this type of tests at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) Faculty of Duitama, considering that currently there are not laboratories that provide this service in Boyacá and Casanare. …”
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Identification and molecular characterization of the complete genome of three viruses infecting lulo (Solanum quitoense) crops in Antioquia (Colombia)
Published 2018“…Future research should investigate the effect of these viruses on crop yield, plant longevity and seed quality as well as their means of transmission, host range and specific symptoms.…”
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Bivariate Model for the Saber11 Tests in Tolima Department (Colombia)
Published 2019“…In many applications, we find data that are restricted to belong to the interval (0;1), such as percentages and proportions, which also can be explained by other variables by means of a regression model in which the response variable has beta distribution. …”