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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 25
- educación 20
- education 18
- Colombia 15
- Educación 13
- Ciencias Sociales 12
- Education 11
- educação 11
- éducation 9
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 8
- learning 8
- Fruits 7
- aprendizaje 7
- conocimiento 7
- experience 7
- experiencia 7
- Productividad 6
- aprendizagem 6
- investigación 6
- knowledge 6
- Agricultura 5
- Agriculture 5
- Colômbia 5
- Filosofía 5
- Frutas 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- SB320-353.5 5
- experiência 5
- expérience 5
- formación 5
Digestibility of diets with growing levels of defatted coconut flour in growing rabbits
Published 2018“…The ADC of BFC behaved similar to the PB, with mean values between 44.66 % and 49.80 %. The rabbits showed a good use of the ash content with ADC from 66.80 % to 72.99 %, which were more elevated for diets with 0 % and 10 % of defatted coconut flour. …”
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Developing Young Learners’ EFL Writing Skills through a Pen Pal Telecollaboration Exchange during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Two Rural Institutions in Boyacá
Published 2021“…Eng: In language learning contexts, telecollaboration is understood as an exchange between people from different populations through the use of electronic means in order to develop intercultural and linguistic communication skills with the purpose of exchanging knowledge. …”
Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Asociación entre el índice D2:D4 y el rendimiento deportivo
Published 2021“…En los últimos 11 años se ha desarrollado, principalmente en Europa y Estados Unidos, una línea de investigación, que busca establecer la asociación entre la exposición prenatal a testosterona, medida de forma indirecta, por medio de la razón de la longitud del segundo (índice) y cuarto (anular) dedo de la mano derecha, con múltiples condiciones físicas y psicológicas, en donde se ha encontrado asociación entre estas dos variables, en Colombia esta línea ha sido poco desarrollada y cuenta con pocos estudios. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Los sesgos cognitivos en decisiones financieras que ocasionan la liquidación de MIPYMES: un acercamiento a las neurofinanzas
Published 2021“…Spa: En Colombia un porcentaje importante de empresas Mipymes creadas en menos de cinco años enfrentan problemas financieros, en su mayoría, causados por el alto nivel de endeudamiento y los inapropiados manejos administrativos. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Pedagogía kantiana: antropología, conocimiento y moralidad
Published 2021“…En ocasiones pareciera que el discurso sobre lo técnico se redujera a un principio de reclutamiento de mano de obra calificada que se adapte sumisamente a las necesidades del sector productivo de nuestra estructura económica. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Caracterización de un cangrejo del cretácico temprano de Villa de Leyva Boyacá-Colombia: y sus implicaciones filogenétícas
Published 2021“…Un espécimen se encuentra preservado ventralmente, con al menos cuatro pares de apéndices articulados con el esternón. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Acerca de las soluciones no triviales para un problema Dirichlet asintóticamente lineal
Published 2021“…En este trabajo se demuestra que el problema elíptico semilineal tiene por lo menos tres soluciones no triviales, de las cuales una es positiva, otra negativa y la tercera cambia de signo, mediante el Teorema de Paso de Montaña y el grado de Leray Schauder. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Caracterización de brechas críticas de motociclistas en la ciudad de Tunja
Published 2023“…Es por ello, que se caracterizó la aceptación de brechas críticas en motociclistas en dos intersecciones tipo glorieta, de la mano de un análisis estadístico de brechas aceptadas y rechazadas como también de los tiempos de seguimiento que surgen a partir de los parámetros mencionados anteriormente y de este modo establecer el impacto de la motocicleta y las demás tipologías vehiculares implementadas y su aplicación en materia de modelos de capacidad evaluando los diversos valores de brecha crítica para cada intersección.…”
Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Manual técnico y administrativo para la implementación de un cultivo de arándano (vaccinium corymbosum l.) en el altiplano cundiboyacense
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Origin and perspectives of Intercultural Bilingual Education policies in Peru: utopia towards a quality IBE
Published 2021“…Due to the ethnolinguistic and multicultural diversity in Peruvian education in the 21st century, languages are a priority as a valid means of learning because they possess knowledge and knowledge. …”
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Educational policies and the formation of future citizenship in Chile and Spain (1970-2016)
Published 2021“…Strategies / information gathering: specialized literature (educational problem), as well as a review of critical theoretical perspectives (political problem) to address concrete efforts about what type of profile (ideal) of citizenship is intended to be built by means of specific educational plans. As we will see in this article, these plans and projects will be delimited, to a large extent, by supranational criteria (context of the problem). …”
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Math class at school in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers' experiences and realities
Published 2023“…It focuses on the analysis of the vital meaning of phenomena, their understanding and importance in the context of the teaching practice.Method: It is a qualitative research of a hermeneutic phenomenological type. …”
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Comparison of some methods to estimate the Cox proportional hazards model for interval-censored data
Published 2022“…The results showed that in general terms the ICM methods and the Bayesian approach present higher coverage probability values and lower mean square errors, in addition when increasing the sample size these values significantly improve compared to the PMDA and ANDA multiple imputation methods. …”
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Elaboration and Characterization of Bricks Made with Addition of Calcined Rice Husk
Published 2021“…The bricks obtained were evaluated by means of compression, absorption, and warpage tests according to the parameters established in the NTP-399.61 for concrete bricks. …”
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Education for decolonization
Published 2021“…The recognition of the historical-cultural diversity existing in the world and the different meanings of history, expressed in different worldviews of ways of organizing and living in society, allows us to value the coexistence of communities and people that share habitats and territories and that articulate among them to cooperate with each other, complement each other and exchange resources and capacities, in a relationship of reciprocity oriented, decolonized thinking and harmony among all people within predefined social contexts based on critical educational strategies.…”
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«The restoring democracy» History and politics in Uruguay’s democratic transition (1980-1989)
Published 2021“…An analysis is madeof the type of frameworks of meanings and imaginaries on which re-democratization was structured, and what recurrent and hegemonic readings –from history and political science–were installed in those years. …”
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Morphological Description of Lucilia purpurascens (Walker, 1836) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Boyacá-Colombia Strain
Published 2023“…Regarding adults, there was a marked sexual dimorphism, evident in the silver parafacial in males and orange in females, as well as a difference in the size of the mean ocellus. In general, taxonomic characters of the calyptras, ampulla, and wings were described, which combined are relevant for the taxonomic identification of the species using both males and females. …”
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Yield projection using productive variables and various types of banana (Musa spp.) seed in Turbo-Colombia.
Published 2022“…The experimental design was in completely random blocks with 3 repetitions, the data were analyzed with R Studio 2022.02 software, non-parametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis; Yuen) and comparison of means with a post-analysisKruskal-Wallis with a 95% confidence level. …”
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Coffee Crops Analysis Using UAVs Equipped with Multispectral Cameras
Published 2022“…The model with the best performance and the lowest mean square error was disorder with the support vector machine. …”
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Body composition by impedanciometry of the employees of a high complexity health institution in Tunja
Published 2022“…Objective: To determine body composition by means of impedanciometry in health personnel in a high complexity institution in the city of Tunja, Boyacá. …”