Summary: | Objective: This article offers a historical overview of the change that the theorizations and applications in education have undergone, this is to identify the role of universities around the standards that have influenced current Latin American educational models.
Originality/contribution: In the Latin American context, the conceptualization of the logic followed by the university and its current use requires to be analyzed based on its application and transformation in agreement with society, pluridiversity, and the future vision.
Method: A review of both informative and legal documents was carried out with emphasis on Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Peru. Therefore, this research work is also a historiographical analysis aimed at understanding the implications of the change around theorizations and applications in education at universities.
Strategy/Data collection: (1) Review of the state of the art; (2) documentary analysis; (3) reflection and comparison of findings; (4) preparation of the article.
Conclusions: Higher education should be considered a key instrument in the configuration of a society with knowledge and values. In this sense, universities must present themselves as centers of debate, critical thinking, and defense of the rights of humanity. They should promote innovation and research, always in favor of improvement.